Blogging Tips // Collaborations

Good day! It’s been such a long time since I last published a post in here; I’m so sorry for that. I know that in every single post I always say the same: I’ve been so busy; I promise I will be more active, and so on and so forth. However, let me explain you that what I say is, indeed, true: the last couple of weeks have been so difficult and exhausting, since I have had so many evaluations at university. Besides, I just started a German course, which has been also a little tough for me. By the way, I might write a post about that later (recommendations of German Youtubers, websites where German grammar is taught, apps for learning languages and so forth).

Okay, now let’s get focussed on today’s post, shall we? Many people have asked me so many times about this topic: How do you get so much attraction to your blog? How can I increase my traffic? How to increase my views? And so on; hence I decided to write this post in order to help other bloggers. Furthermore, I also wanted to connect with my followers by answering their questions and petitions.

To be honest, I do not do anything special whatsoever; I am sorry to say it but it is true. Nonetheless, I will give you some tips that will help your blog to be more attractive. Here they are:

Look for general Tags: This is really helpful; try looking popular tags in order to find posts and blogs related to yours. Some general tags are: Lifestyle, Reading, Travel, Photography, Books and so on. For instance, if your blogging content is about books and reading (as is mine); these tags will help you find interesting posts and bloggers.

Likes: Once you have found posts similar to yours, it doesn’t hurt to like some of them. Why? Because this will help you get recognition among other bloggers; besides, they might give you some likes back.

Comments: As well as likes, comments are really important to get recognition too. If you really liked a post, you can leave a nice comment on it. However, avoid promoting your blog; it seems desperate and, sometimes, annoying.

Those were the most specific tips for getting recognition and increasing visitors. Nevertheless, here are other tips that are important as well for making your blog seem likeable and attractive:

Be active: I know that I do not follow this tip, entschuldigung! Nonetheless, it is, indeed, really important to stay active in your blog. Try to set a schedule for posting posts. A blogger should post, at least, twice a week.

Post high-quality content: It is a waste of time to post posts thrice a week if the content is dull and lame. Try to take your time to write, and if you are not concentrated enough or you just don’t have inspiration at all, try to do it later when you have relaxed and thought about what to write. Furthermore, avoid posting either very-short posts or very-long ones, because the reader can get bored easily.

Choose a good theme: Visually, having a good theme can make others get attracted to your blog, thus increasing your views and traffic. Choose a good palate of colours, post high-quality images, play with the background and set a nice font; all of this in order to make your blog seem pleasant and visually appealing.

Widgets: WordPress makes it very easy when installing and setting widgets into your blog, thus making it look social and friendly. I personally recommend installing the social media icons, because the readers can just click on them and follow you on your other social networks.

Connect with your followers: In my opinion, this is the most important tip of all. Give your followers what they want, what they expect from you. Answer their questions, give them likes back and interact with them, because our blogs are what they are because of them. So, thanks to all my followers and my best regards to you.

In conclusion, all of these tips can help you increase not only the appealing, but also the traffic on your blog. I really hope I have helped you and answered your questions.


I wanted to tell you as well that if you want to work on a collaboration or if you need a guest blog; feel free to send me an email (Check out my contact page here). I frequently check my email address so I will make sure to reply.

Besides, as this post was suggested by you; feel free as well to tell me what you want next post to be about! I will keep your suggestion in mind.

Auf wiedersehen, Pass auf dich auf!

What do you think about this post?

Do you find these tips helpful?

Do you have any other tip to add?

Let me know in the comments section.


65 thoughts on “Blogging Tips // Collaborations

  1. These tips are really helpful 🙂 I know it’s hard for newer blogs, such as my own, to get noticed at first, since we’re so inexperienced. Definitely gonna try adding more tags to our posts 🙂 thanks for the suggestions

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Waw! I liked your tips, thank you so much! Und dein Deutsch ist auch super güt!! Keep doing great work, and I definitly like your idea to make a post about language thingies! ^-^

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post and I can fully agree with you!
    At the moment I don’t really manage to blog twice a week (but at least once), therefore I am active on two blogs, so I think that’s kinda a good excuse 😀 Btw, my other blog is a german one, so if you ever feel like reading in german about books, lifestyle and more check it out (lifewithsaskia) – not desperate at all, just helpful advice 😀
    Thihi, see you, Saskia xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very helpful tips indeed. I have a minor thing with my site link but caused major problem. I’m glad you’re still getting my post. Many didn’t and I have to go to them one by one to give them my new link. WP said I could pay annual fee to redirect but I want to see what I could do first.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. LifewithFey

    Great tips. Sometimes I get lazy with these, but I’m hoping to keep implementing some 😀
    And you are right about the likes, because that is also how I found you ^^


  6. flylady33

    I like all your tips. especially:
    1. have more general tags prolific but be careful to give viewers what they want
    3. respond with comments and likes.
    the rest of the suggestions are just what I needed to here.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Pingback: Blogging Tips | Highwaypay

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